
Blog 1


Losing your wife. Being no longer able to care for your daughter with an intellectual disability because you have to continue working to pay for your bills and keep food on the table. Losing hope, you hear of a residential home specializing in the care your daughter needs. A place where your precious girl will be taken care of.

This is the story of one of the families reSOARces serves.

(Certain details have been changed for confidentiality purposes.)

Mr. Lawrence's daughter, Sarah, moved into a staffed residence for about a year and a half. Wanting to make sure she was given the care she deserves, he visited often. He tried to visit every day even when he was working long hours. During his visits, he started to notice things...

...bed sores which the doctor said was from being left in bed too long... mouth sores from a drastic lack of hygiene...

He attempted to work with the agency to address these issues but high rates of staff turnover made it hard for him and the agency to keep consistent staff members available to address all of Sarah's needs.

The final straw...

One evening, Mr. Lawrence went to visit Sarah and found her alone in her bedroom. She was having trouble breathing, so he called 911 immediately and she was taken to the ICU for a malfunction of her G-tube. Following Sarah's admittance to the ICU, he realized that on the evening of the incident there was no staff immediately nearby her who would have noticed her having trouble breathing. Had he not been visiting, who knows how long she would've made it. He could have lost her. Following these events, Mr. Lawrence made the decision to move Sarah back home with him. He wasn't sure how he was going to work and care for Sarah but he knew he was going to make sure she had all of the care she needed.

Sarah's case manager, with the help of reSOARces, was able to get the paperwork together for Medicaid's Participant Directed Services (PDS) Program. Together, they completed the paperwork required by this program to establish Sarah and her representative as an employer, and Mr. Lawrence along with two others as employees to provide Sarah direct professional care. Sarah was home with her father in less than two weeks and all services were established for her needed care within a month. Now, she is able to live in her father's home with the love and care she deserves 24/7. 

These are the stories you help make happen when you support reSOARces.

Will you consider? There is now a simple "Donate" button on our "How to Help" page found at this link:

In addition, if you are located in the Danville / Boyle County area in KY where our office is located, we are always looking for volunteers to lend us a supportive hand! Our contact information can be found on our "Contact Us" page at this link:

As always, thank you all for being a part of our cause in supporting individuals with disabilities and their loved ones throughout the Bluegrass!


