Getting Started with Participant Directed Services (PDS) on the SCL Waiver

Please note that this page is targeted toward participants who are already receiving the SCL waiver through Medicaid. If you are receiving a different waiver, such as Michelle P or HCBS, please visit our page for non-SCL referrals.

To begin the referral process, we need the following:

  1. Referral sheet completed by a case manager
  2. Consent forms for A Brighter Choice completed by the participant or guardian (the agency that we collaborate with to bill for our services requires all teams to review and sign this)
  3. Participant education form completed by the participant or guardian (this is another form required by the billing agency)

These completed documents should be sent to Grace Jeter, Executive Director, at [email protected]. After we receive these, we will reach out to you and confirm if our Community Guides have spots available on their caseload.

Next Steps

The case manager should also collect the following updated documents for the participant to officially complete the referral process:

  1. Updated POC and PA with CG services and POC Agreement/Sign in Sheet
  2. Crisis Plan
  3. Individual Narrative
  4. LOC Letter
  5. Life Story
  6. MAP 116
  7. Participant Summary Sheet
  8. Participant Rights
  9. Most recent SIS
  10. Current physical and dental exams
  11. Psychological Evaluation
  12. Current Behavior Support Plan and BIC (if applicable)
  13. Completed FMA New Participant/Employer Paperwork (For your convenience, we have included the most recent packets we have available for some of the FMAs we commonly work with. Please note that these are updated as soon as we are made aware that they have changed, but we cannot guarantee these are the most recent ones available.)
    1. BGADD
    2. Communicare
    3. Lifeskills

These documents should be sent via one of the methods described in the first section.

More information:

If you are looking for more information about reSOARces, check out the following materials:

  1. ReSOARces brochure
  2. Community Guide Services webpage
  3. Letter from DAIL re SCL Community Guide services (dated 12/5/2024)
  4. PDS Case Management Training Video
  5. CHFS FAQs re PDS (dated 6/27/2024)
  6. DAIL FAQs re PDS (dated 7/1/2024)