The founder of reSOARces, Tina Scott, is also the executive director of a case management agency that has been serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Danville, Kentucky for ten years. When Tina took over that agency in 2012, she began to notice a variety of gaps in Medicaid’s case management services that had been leaving individuals with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who care for them, in the cracks.
As her agency served individuals who wanted to use Medicaid's Participant Directed Services program (click here for more information about PDS and our involvement), Tina began learning of the numerous barriers that all parties face in even trying to make that choice a reality. Some case management agencies hire an extra employee to address these barriers, but Tina realized that this solution still left impactful issues unresolved.
In her search to break down every barrier presented to the people she served, she knew that the complexity of the PDS program was the perfect starting point.
In February of 2019, reSOARces was born as a membership organization that would pursue the mission of filling these gaps for members, starting with those using the PDS program. Since its establishment, reSOARces has become a 501(c)(3) charitable organization providing a variety of needed services and support where adequate support did not previously exist.
During its first year of establishment from February of 2019 to February of 2020, reSOARces assisted in the hiring processes of 37 direct support professionals, provided 20 check advances to direct support staff left in financially binding situations due to circumstances outside of their and their PDS employers' control, and managed 187 updates for employers (people with disabilities, representatives, and guardians) and employees (direct support professionals) which ensured that staff remained eligible for work and were being paid accordingly for their quality care of people with disabilities. These updates include driver’s licenses, tuberculosis screenings, liability insurances, contracts, and first aid/CPR certifications, as well as change of addresses, banks, pay rates, taxes, and phone numbers.
According to data that covers the months of March and April... Since the COVID-19 state of emergency declared by Kentucky’s governor on March 6th, 2020, reSOARces has assisted with the hiring processes of 13 direct support professionals and maintained 88 eligibility updates for employers and employees, making sure that consistency of qualified professional care was not another burdening impact for people with disabilities and their loved ones.
Our vision is to expand our services and who we support in order to become a hub of resources that will continue to address the gaps faced by those with special needs and their loved ones.